
European platform launched to drive research and innovation on batteries

Dominique Ristori, Director General for Energy for the European Commission, launched Batteries Europe, the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Batteries to drive research and innovation, knowledge transfer and competitiveness across the European battery value chain. Batteries Europe will develop and update research and innovation agendas and roadmaps to spur development of battery projects at both

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Acting for a strong European battery industry: EBA250 is gaining momentum

The fifth EBA250 meeting, held in Brussels on 29 January showed that the European battery industry is on the move. More than 200 stakeholders from across the entire battery value chain accepted InnoEnergy’s invitation to meet and discuss with representatives from the financial sector on investments and funding opportunities in Europe. In October 2017, European

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German government to get “Research factory for batteries” off the ground

The German government intends to realign its funding for battery technology and invest a further 500 million euros in the next four years. Anja Karliczek, Minister for Education and Research, stated at the “Batterieforum Deutschland” in Berlin that today, batteries are not being produced in Germany or even Europe. “We can only change that together,”

German government to get “Research factory for batteries” off the ground Read More »

european battery alliance

Strategic Action Plan for Batteries

A Strategic Action Plan for Batteries that supports the measures proposed by the EBA250 stakeholders was published as part of the Clean Mobility Package in May 2018. The Clean Mobility Package is a set of initiatives initiated by the European Commission to allow all Europeans to benefit from safer traffic, less polluting vehicles and more advanced technological solutions, while

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